Saturday, February 28, 2009

February 28, 2009 - Looking forward to tomorrow - I need my life back

Hello to everyone. Thank you for visiting my online blog. I never thought I would actually start this but here we go. For those of you who know me, my name is Rob. I have been overweight all my life. I am now 35 years of age and I am thinking enough is enough. JUST DO IT. But how??? Thats the magic question I have been asking myself for the last 20 or so years. I still don't know the answer, but I am determined to find out.
In 2005, I set out to lose weight, get healthy and get my life back. I started a online diary with the Ottawa Citizen which was also published each Saturday in the local section of the paper. I got together with Tony Greco, followed his advice, became of a student of his promotion of health, and in 11 months, I lost over 150 pounds. Then for whatever reason I stopped. To this day I still haven`t figured out why, I went back to my old habits, strayed away with Tony Greco, and gained back all my weight. I started my weight loss quest in January 2005 weighing in at 519 pounds. Here's the link for those interested.

Now it is 4 years later, my weight is pretty much the same. The new quest begins. I hope that this blog will help me. Most of my friends and family are married, and have kids, and it is hard for them to help me as much as they would like too.
I am hoping that this blog will keep everyone who is close to me or even knows me in tune with what I am doing. I am hoping that my friends will take out of their day to read this blog and give me the feedback that I know will help motivate me and inspire me to to not give up. In retrurn I will give it my best fight ever, and win my life back once and for all and stop this obesity from controlling my life.

Right now I am weighing in at 521 pounds. I am a bit upset at this, also embaressed but it is what it is. Now for the game plan is.

I have been going to BMI Medical Institute here in Ottawa, and have been seeking medical advice and consultation from my Family Doctor. My doctor`s advice is simple. Eat less (15% less for now), choose your foods wisely, stay active and stay focused and mentally strong.

BMI on the other hand, has given me the same advice, except for the eating less part. Right now they have set out for me, that I should be eating 3200 Calories a day of food. The way she determined 3200 Calories was by checking my metabollic rate. Which is done at BMI Clinic with a special machine. Metabollic rate is the amount of calories on can eat in a day without gaining weight. It obviously differs in everyone. I reccomend everyone knows what their metabollic rate is.

This week is going to be a trial week for me. I created a meal plan that is around 2800 Calories. If I find myeslf still hungry each day, I will tweak it by the end of the week. I have 400 Calories to play with.

Being active each day is also important. This next week, I plan on being in the pool a few times, I have 3 appointments set up with my personal trainer at BMI. Each other day where I am not in the pool or with my trainer, I will do my best to go for at least a 20 minute walk.

1. Eat Less
2. Choose wisely
3. Be active
4. Stay mentally strong.

Sounds easy huh, wish me luck

Tomorrow, I will be doing my groceries. I think I will do this blog on a daily basis for now, and see how it goes from there.

Talk to you soon.
